
Saturday 15 November 2014

Explanation Zahiril Adzim had prayers at PWTC Parking

Actor Zahiril Adzim explain his actions prayers at the Putra World Trade Center parking (PWTC) prior to the 2014 Screen Awards (ASK 2014) on November 7 is not meant to show off.

Zahiril, 29, said he had Maghrib prayers at the following parking areas are running out of time after the race each other from location filming to attend the ceremony.

"I had to pray Maghrib prayers in the park as time is short and I already suspect. So after finished filming I went home to grab my wife and I were getting ready to take my ablution.

"After I arrived alone in the PWTC looking for a secluded place to pray because if I hurried to the mosque was full of, yet I am afraid of ablution void if anyone wants a picture on the way to the mosque," he said .

Zahiril said this when asked to comment on when the picture was praying in the parking lot before the start of the ceremony in 2014 ASK spread and talk about the social networking site.

Images recorded by fans who see the situation causing Zahiril accused wants to show off for not praying in the mosque, which is available at PWTC.

Obviously Zahiril, he was shocked when told about the photo spread, and said the social networking site.

"I think it's not okay to be distributed because it will cause a scandal like this, I did not notice who took the picture. If I really wanted to show off my good prayers in  red carpet   alone.

"I've been looking for a quiet place that is not public, but I know there are security guards near for fear that nothing happens when you're praying," he said.

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