
Saturday 15 November 2014

VoIP Razak sued former manager of nearly half a million

VoIP Razak has sued his own friend of rm 500 thousand, half a million. Friends-turned-foe, Marina Juki Zizan Razak has sued for breach of contract artist management.

Marina Jukimemfailkan suit against Zizan Razak in Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court on 6 November.

The suit was filed after the Marina Juki of Fame Wire Entertainment Sdn Bhd find Zizan Razak breach of contract when he collaborated with another company while under contract with the Wire Fame until May 5, 2015.

Marina Juki claiming special damages more than RM500 million, general damages of 15 percent on all income earned Zizan Razak from other management companies.

Marina is also seeking an injunction to prevent the defendants from proceeding with the contract with the new management company for Zizan still has a valid contract with Wirefame.

Marina also make a claim for damages for breach of contract include costs and other reasonable charge by the court.

Flashback, Zizan said is not related to the manager because of problems peribadi.Masalah it lasts Marina Juki accused of deviating company money and Zizan Razak has blocked the company's bank account. Wirefame said to be disbanded.

To my knowledge, Juki Marina holds a 30% stake, while Zizan Razak holds a 70% stake in the company Wirefame.

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