
Saturday 15 November 2014

Video: For a bite of rice this guy is willing stung by bees

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We're just used to seeing the honey in bottles, which are sold at farmers' markets, Sunday markets or roadside.

But do you know how to get the honey and the process to get the honey?

Through video, performed by the BBC, Tete, a man of real people in Africa make honey as a source of income and family.

Let's see how the process of getting honey in the Congo jungle.

Painful and very dangerous, that features the work of finding the honey.

Back to the video, the diameter of the tree that is wider than its adherents conquered by Tete to meet the demands as the head of the family.

Reckoned as dangerous people can do this work, but also a professional climber might surrender.

Tree height of 40 meters is plagued with very trendy and as a result, will look at what lay ahead.

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