
Saturday 15 November 2014

Who report a Facebook page for me? - Amran Fans

"Deny the right crowd Amran report page. You really want to be evil Amran back, right?"

It was among the early records 'page' Amran Fans who reopened after being closed for the management of social networking site Facebook for allegedly accepting too much hassle and not according to the law of the page.

Page  Amran Fans previously had over 300,000  like  i always have a place in the hearts of fans with a note of humor in addition to the publicly expressed my feelings to bloggers Zalikha Hanis.

Some other blogs are previously also expressed page Amran Fans are the ' trolls 'Hanis is also popular with the technical title.

Among the latest entries Amran Fans also expressed disappointment than fans want to swing back to page start new reopened 10 November last year.

New page Amran Fans on Facebook now stands at nearly 70,000 like after four days of opening - Photos Facebook Fans Amran  NEW

However, the social networking site Instagram Amran_Fans77 still active and up till now have nearly 54,000 followers.

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