
Saturday 15 November 2014

Airline passenger bill received RM4,016 internet

Singapore: A Canadian businessman was surprised to find he was charged for use wi-fi nearly reached US $ 1.200 (RM4,016) when boarding the Singapore-owned airline.

The man, Jeremy Gutsche (small picture) who is the Chief Executive Officer of Trend Hunter said, the fees charged by airlines Singapore Airlines is outrageous, especially for passengers who require an internet connection to complete the task, or spend time on a long journey.

"I saw 155 pages of e-mail in addition to upload documents via the Internet. There should be no extra charge because I had bought a package worth US $ 30 (RM100), "he said.

He claimed that the wi-fi on the plane was also slowed because he had to take nearly an hour to upload a PowerPoint document size four megabytes and could not see any video.

Based on the company's website Singapore Airlines, the company offers the convenience of Wi-Fi services with different price packages for the Airbus A380 and Boeing 777-300ER.

Before passenger lines connected to the Internet, they must choose a data package or Panasonic OnAir and the company is also offering different prices based on the speed of 10 megabytes equivalent to US $ 10 (RM34) or US $ 12 (RM39) per hour.

Use the data will be automatically stopped if the passenger has reached the limit or direct internet access for an additional charge.

Dollar cost management refused to explain his Twitter page about what is otherwise told to deal directly with Gürtl.

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