
Tuesday 19 May 2015

BR1M not corrupt

BR1M is a social security allowance as it is targeting groups affected (economic pressure).

KUALA LUMPUR: Responding to the parties still argue about 1Malaysia People's Aid (BR1M), Prime Minister Najib Tun Razak today stressed that the program is an initiative of the people, especially the social safety net for low-income earners who suggested the country's economic experts. website, the Prime Minister explained that the BR1M a social safety net that is recommended by the National Fiscal Committee comprising officials of the Economic Planning Unit (EPU), the Central Bank and Ministry of Finance.

"Most of them are economists and not politicians. Social networks also performed similarly in many other countries.

"Some say it 'help for the unemployed' that targets those who are not working. However, BR1M is for low-income earners.

"Both are a form of social security allowances as it targets groups affected (economic pressure)," he explained.

Najib said the government wants to rationalize the concept of comprehensive subsidies to subsidies that target the needy. By repealing comprehensive subsidy, the government can generate savings which we pass on to the lower income group.

BR1M also according to Najib, is beneficial to alleviate the plight of the target facing the problem of rising cost of living.

He also commented on some politicians who claimed that even with BR1M, the people are not grateful.

"The thought of purely political beracuan that's what makes them believe BR1M as corrupt, while it is not considered a fiscal committee.

"We see it as an economic measure and given to anyone who qualifies, regardless their political axis. It is given by a certain period and not just during elections," he explained.

According to Najib, who always says 'Give a man a fish, he'll eat for a day, Teach him to fish, he can live a lifetime'.

"But the reality is, we have to do both - provide assistance to those in need and at the same time investing in education, improving skills and increased productivity," said Najib.

He added that the Ministry of Education received the largest allocation in the budget than the government introduced various training programs under several ministries such as TERAJU program, Diligent, Genovasi, Superb, magic and more.

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