
Tuesday 19 May 2015

'Nonsense tell people to stop talking about 1MDB' - Tun Mahathir

Tun Mahathir said it was a silly thing to ask people to stop talking about 1MDB.

KUALA LUMPUR: It is always a silly thing when people are asked not yet questioned about 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB), said the former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

In an article in the latest blog on Tuesday, he likened the situation was like someone was witnessing a robbery and had to wait for trial before saying something about it.

"Asking people not to ask again about 1MDB wait until the Auditor General released a report is a ridiculous thing," he said in his personal blog.

He, in the meantime, commenting on recent articles from Najib in his blog, in the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) to answer some controversial issues recently.

Mahathir in his latest article commenting on Najib, who asked the people to wait for the report of the State Audit will take many years and investigative accounts will not disclose any of the engagements include the Malaysian billionaire, Jho Low.

"It will not explain how Riza Aziz has so much money when the money vanished 1MDB. It also does not disclose transactions between Petro Saudi weird, bank in Seychelles, Hong Kong and the Cayman Islands.

"Then the money brought back from Cayman and dideposikan in Singapore. Now, the bank said no money deposited, "said Mahathir,

In the meantime, he said the Auditor General may audit but would not reveal many things and the best thing to do is to set a commission.

However, he said the members of the commission can not be selected by the state in which the commission will not only investigate 1MDB but the government as a whole.

Mahathir also said Najib failed to answer any questions about the murder of Mongolian model Altantuya Shaariibuu.

He said Najib did not answer any other state of the case is a case of the old.

"This is new because the two people involved before they are released, but sentenced to death.

"Apparently they act in accordance with the instructions. Hanging them like a mockery of justice," he explained.

In the same article, he also commented on whether to purchase a private jet on the grounds of "security" will stop the invasion of Sabah or the smuggling of weapons at the border or limited only to those who boarded the plane.

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