
Tuesday 19 May 2015

'I do not embarrass Tun M, who aibkan yourself' - Pandikar

Pandikar Amin Mulia held a press conference at his residence in Kuala Lumpur this afternoon.

KUALA LUMPUR: Dewan Rakyat Speaker, Tan Sri Pandikar Amin Mulia said the former Prime Minister, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad embarrass yourself because divulge their secret meetings held in Al-Bukhari Foundation on March 13 last.

Pandikar firm, told the meeting that talks heart to heart and be like a child and his father admittedly centered on issues like resigned out of frustration with the Parliament at the time.

"I beg forgiveness if he uneasiness Tun M, I did not want him aibkan, in response Tun M yesterday which I described the humiliating him, for me the fact Tun M embarrassing himself when breaking confidentiality ought ethical meetings should not be disclosed to anyone.

The meeting was said talks heart to heart and be like a child and the father is recognized around the issue would resign - Photo Astro AWANI / Shahir Omar

"I approached Tun M in Bukhari Foundation on March 13 last year. During the meeting we discussed many current political matters and was pouring out my heart to admit disappointment and duties of the President of the House of Commons than to say powerful feeling to resign speaker.

"I was pouring out my heart to Tun M is like a child to the father. As mentioned earlier, Tun M may be too eager to topple Najib as advised me to resign," he said during a press conference at his official residence here today.

Please forgive me if it Tun M uneasiness, I do not want aibkan him. - Foto Astro AWANI / Shahir Omar

Press conference held at the Bukit Tunku lasted about 20 minutes at around 2:00 pm Tuesday.

Pandikar also informed that he will not chair the first meeting of the third term in Parliament on March 11.

"I said, my job will be both deputy and as all know, I have nothing to chair the meeting," he said.

However, he said, he met Najib on March 19 and discussed the country's political problems and the issue of his resignation to the Prime Minister.

"I advise to resign immediately, but the President does not accept the letter and asked what my problem as the President of the House of Representatives.

"I tune in Parliament to Najib problems such as the issue of the administration of Parliament who do not cooperate with him.

"Moan I was greeted well informed Speaker task should not follow the instructions of anyone," he explained.

He explained, Dr Mahathir also be contacted in advance to obtain certainty whether he has really abandoned his intention to resign or not, not only based on confidential discussions held last March.

At the end of the press conference, joking with Pandikar advised reporters not to pursue it further in Parliament to ask the issue.

"I hope that after this is all over, do not chase me or call me in the parliament on this issue," he said.

Tun Mahathir recently, said Pandikar has resigned as the President of the House of Representatives. However, Dr Mahathir's statement about the resignation refuted by Pandikar Amin said in a statement.

READ: "Pandikar embarrassing me, give me a liar picture" - Tun M

VIDEO: Give a picture of me a liar '- Tun M

Yesterday, Pandikar Amin as usual chairing the Second Meeting of the Third Conference of the 13th Parliament.

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