
Sunday 26 April 2015

Angry Ta Che Exploited Children By Seller Instagram

There is no doubt that the eldest daughter of Che Ta and Zain Saidin ie Aaisyah Dhia Rana very cute man. At first glance not satisfied. If you later want to phase must be thousands of times. Nara red just love seeing the pictures on Instagram coquettish cute Aaisyah often uploaded by Che Ta. Unfortunately when there are some unscrupulous people use Aaisyah image as a selling point products sold. Hmmmmm.

As a father brother Nara understand Ta Che feeling angry with this situation. Iyerlah, we children used without truth for products that are either true or not keberkesanannya. Ta Che said: -
I do not make Instagram for Aishah but the pictures on Instagram tu partnership in charge 'hashtag' alone. However, I am angry with the opportunity to take pictures at will using Aishah to review their products. There are apologizing but then they still use also

Do not because of the attitude of some online dealers will cause Che Ta lazy to upload the pictures of cute Aaisyah Dhia Rana after this. Not chapters devoted followers who just want to look cute and development are equally impressed. Hopefully no more cases like this to happen in the future. Sian Aaisyah exploited since childhood.

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