
Sunday 26 April 2015

Eizlan Refuse Comment Paid Six Figures For Movie Star

Eizlan between actresses who have quality and distinctive style in the starring role, with his natural talent for film production Anak Mami khabarnya Nasi Kandar has offered to pay RM150,000 to Edward starred in the film.

However, Edward apparently did not want to comment further on the matter and told his preferred arrangement of schedules and commitments in a bid than payments.

Sorry, the payment is confidential matter between the production and artist management. I do not want to comment fee issues (acting) and Table I submit to my manager, Nik Yasmin who was already 11 years working with me.

I prefer the issue of schedules and commitments in a bid than payments.

Currently, Edward is busy with his own business and will introduce brand children's clothing burst of inspiration from her son and stepson Rayfal Putra Putra Rayqal.

We would not be surprised if an artist had received a high bid for a film because their scope is heavier. Talking about Edward that will produce children's clothing brand itself, as it is one of our great steps to ensure the future of his livelihood in acting erratic, said people prepare for a rainy day.

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