
Sunday 26 April 2015

Interested efficacy 'miracle fruit'

Fadzlaini posing with her health products.

Who would have thought his career as the host of Agrotech on TV1 bring good luck to Fadzlaini Ibrahim, 32, who now becoming entrepreneurs health products, Annona Coffee.

His determination to build a business empire began when visiting the Netherlands durian orchard or scientific name, Annona muricata L in Negeri Sembilan.

Historically, the tree is said to be derived from the tropical forests of South America Carribean it is now grown commercially in South East Asia including Malaysia and Indonesia.

Green fruit has a soft spine and its contents are lots of seeds contained in the fruit.

According to him, the idea to make durian coffee Netherlands because he found no local producers who dare to take risks.

Research and development (R & D) carried out to obtain the quantities offered in a batch of coffee fruit for such products.

With a capital of RM30,000, he started the production of coffee using Annona Coffee brand with 1,000 boxes for starters.

"I did not expect an overwhelming response despite this new product on the market for four months. During this period, I managed to produce 6,000 boxes and sold all over the country," he said.

Health products are now sold at RM99 a box and sold through agents in 13 states.

Try it yourself products

Better known by the name of 'miracle fruit' in the Malay community, Fadzlaini said, still not many people know nourishment contained in this tropical fruit.

According to him, the efficacy of which is believed to cure cancer and anti-tumor in traditional medicine.

"Enamored with exceptional properties, I conducted numerous studies on the fruit to produce good health for the human digestive system.

"After all, this fruit is grown organically and free of chemicals makes me keen to make it as coffee, tea and juice," he said.

Not only selling products alone, he admitted trying it as the testimony before it is marketed.

"I managed to lose weight without the need to adopt a strict diet or exercise. By adopting this drink, my body is more slender and energetic," he said.

For him, the product is good for patients with diabetes, high blood pressure and kidney stones.

She said, making it able to remove toxins in the human body and also more effective colon cleanse, especially those who have weight problems or obesity.

"Not only is cleaning the colon or intestines, health drinks also helps to bulges in nature.

"Without us realize, most of the causes of illness comes from an unhealthy colon and can not process food properly," he said.

Without admixture

In addition to coffee products, he also has several other products based durian Netherlands as tea, juice, capsules and also puree.

For Fadzlaini, Netherlands durian trees from the roots to the leaves have distinctive properties to cure diseases naturally.

For example, the company made it processed from the leaves of durian Netherlands without giving the impression of feedstocks and fast.

"To drink the juice, I use mineral water and fruit content only to maintain efficacy.

"Likewise with my new product, namely the capsule and the Netherlands durian puree using a chemical-free material because it is grown organically," he said.

For planning ahead, she is currently conducting research on herbal species of turmeric.

He said, not many people know of the existence of the saffron is grown only in Pulau Langkawi only.

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