
Monday 18 May 2015

Fake obituary, Awie: I'm still alive

Getting NEWS false death has been reported to occur several times since 2013 in which the victim is called 'Getting Lahad Datu' as a way identical Awie, reportedly died from road accidents in Lahad Datu, Sabah.

But now, on a self-critical attitude of some people who wanted to find a way to popularize the short run, they blog, the news spread again.

Worse when they use a picture Awie day after the singer's Clothing Greatness Award Gayong by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak, seems to reflect the singer's death.

The effect of the news deck, Getting real name is Ahmad Azhar Othman bombarded phone calls from friends and the media who want to know the authenticity of the news.

"I do not understand why this news is so viral again. I contacted friends and media to ask about me. There is a phone in tears.

"This news is somewhat disturbing my daily schedule. I had to answer the same questions over and over from various quarters. I understand, I have to answer because it involves emotions, family, friends and I have a child, "he said when contacted Zass.

Will not continue to remain silent on this matter, Awie said he would act.

"Sometimes these emotions we can not control. It can affect me because I do not want that any response on Facebook instead will use legal channels.

"This time I will not keep silent. I will act. Wait and see!" He said.

Singer of the group Wings, said he has talked with a lawyer to take action against the originator of this false death issue and will refer to the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC).

A police report will also be made in the near future. Strictly speaking, they were responsible for triggering this matter will be looked up to.

When asked about the probability of having an enemy in the entertainment industry Getting a denial but did not rule out the possibility of any individual who does not like to achieve.

"I do not know. There are no enemies in the industry. For what is hostile because I need people to support me, buy my albums and my products.

"Maybe someone dislikes in terms of characters or words that offend me either party.

"I do not know why there are people willing to play-play off this issue. Maybe they just want to pray for my death. If not, you will simply not properly convey this news, the latest ready-made images.

"This is not healthy elements performed by healthy people who do not behave the devil but human guise. If I was given the opportunity I want to meet with these people. I want to ask what he was not satisfied with me," end it.

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