
Monday 18 May 2015

Selfie convoy violated the protocol?

KUALA LUMPUR: What will happen if you do selfie unusual? The answer in less than a day, you will be famous!

That's what happened to a photography student at Universiti Teknologi MARA, Mohd Hasrul. He was taking pictures when selfie up to the stage to take the scroll, a victim of harassment and criticism on social networking site because of its actions.

Some praised the courage Hasrul, some are criticized, saying such actions violate the protocol ceremony.

Twitter users, mynamehakim states such selfie have long practiced in the West.

Selfie time the convoy. Malaysia new student nurse here for my kat maki praise oversea relaxed pulak mynamehakim (mynamehakim) May 15, 2015
The same opinion is expressed that inform action Ai Yusuke is actually not uncommon.

Saifulzamir also share a sense of when the convoy took the stage by saying he would consider the measures taken.

Harul action also appears to have inspired the other graduates.

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