
Monday 18 May 2015

Likely 'People in' kidnap mastermind in Sandakan

Jalaluddin Abdul Rahman

Kota Kinabalu - Cases of kidnapping a man and a woman in Restaurants Ocean King in Sandakan three days ago are likely masterminded 'insiders', said Sabah Police Commissioner Datuk Jalaluddin Abdul Rahman.

He said the suspects 'insiders' have conspired to give information about high quality targets and the matter is being investigated.

"Police have received information about the abduction will occur in Sabah and one where it is Sandakan.

"The Esscom led by Datuk (Abdul) Rashid Harun has been made in the area of ​​Sandakan Integrated Operations are concentrated hot spots and also illegal immigrants. Unfortunately it happens in unexpected places," he said in a statement through the application WhatsApp today.

He said the Royal Malaysia Police (RMP) and Khasa Security Area East Coast (Esscom) is working to assess and enhance security measures so that such kidnapping cases do not happen again.

Jalaluddin also confirmed both the victim's family received a phone call from a party claiming to be the kidnappers and demanding a ransom of high value and can not be told to the public.

He said that, until now, both the victim's family also refused to make a police report even if has been advised by the police to do so.

He also denied allegations that threatened the victim's family due to their refusal to make a police report. He said the two kidnap victims were reported safe and is now at one of the islands off the coast of the Philippines.

On Thursday, four gunmen stormed the Ocean King restaurant and kidnapped the man and the woman in the presence of about 100 customers, including children.

Fun Nyuk Thien, 50, sister-in-law was a restaurant manager of kidnap victims in the 7.45pm incident. Another victim was Ghen Ted Bernard Fen, 39, from Sarawak who works as a consultant in Cambodia electrical.

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