
Monday 18 May 2015

Myvi Club Familia received death threats?

Sly (second from left) with members of the FMC lodged a police report at the Dang Wangi district police headquarters yesterday.

KUALA LUMPUR - More than 100 members of the Familia Myvi Club (FMC) claimed that security was threatened, including receiving death threats following an incident involving members of their accident early last month.

In that event, three family killed in an accident at Km 6.2, Duta-Ulu Klang (Duke) involving members of FMC on May 2.

Accordingly, the committee FMC lodged a police report in order to ensure the safety of 278 members, as well as the club seeks to clear his name and to avoid any accusations of prejudice.

Sly FMC Secretary Mohamad Hanif said, so today member of FMC who was not involved in the incident is still punishable safety, slandered and threatened o'clock.

"In addition to cast harsh words, two cars damaged FMC members. There was also claimed that they received death threats because not satisfied with the FMC.

"In addition to FMC members in a state of trauma and fear, safety is also threatened their families," he said after lodging a police report at the Dang Wangi district police headquarters yesterday.

Sly said, FMC members who feel threatened are also advised to immediately lodge a police report.

"We have never issued a statement which reflected the provocative nature than never organize illegal races.

"Even the official Facebook account FMC closed since May 2 and any statements uploaded using the name of FMC is false," he said.

Accident on May 2, killing Fairuz Husain Nizam, his wife Nova Safitri Azhari and their youngest son Nur Annisa Fizura, seven months.

In the incident at 1:05 that morning, boarded the Pajero Sport car collided with two Myvi before capsizing.

Winter leave two children, Firuza Nur Amira, 7, and Nur Firuza Aqila, 4.

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